Amendis wins the Morocco CSR Challenges Trophy for Citizen Company

Thanks to its daily commitment in favor of citizens, environmental and social actions, Amendis, a Veolia’s subsidiary, has won the Morocco CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Challenges Trophy for “Citizen Company”. 

Since 2004, Amendis has committed to a sustainable development approach under Veolia’s guidance. Amendis has constantly ensured the inclusion of economic, social and environmental challenges in its activities. 

In 2017, the structuring of this process according to the ISO 26000 International Standard strengthened overall Amendis initiatives and actions in favor of sustainable and social development. It helped the company adopt a comprehensive and formal approach of Social Responsibility. As the leader in its business sector in Morocco, Amendis obtained the CAP 26000 certificate in December 2017.

The introduction of a “Commitments and Social responsibility Charter”, as well as its dispersal through all the strategic and operational processes, reflects Amendis willingness to place its societal approach in the long term as a structural process.

This Charter provides an opportunity for Amendis to promote its commitments organized around 6 essential axes: 

  • The employees 

  • The environment

  • The clients 

  • The suppliers and subcontractors

  • The community

  • The governance 

Amendis commitment in favor of Social Responsibility objectives goes with the company’s activities. While continuing to optimize its technical performance in order to improve the local citizens’ living conditions, Amendis daily contributes to the generalization of access to clean water, the creation of direct and indirect employment and the implementation of innovative social and environmental actions. Thus, Amendis launched in 2018 several innovative projects that reach every stakeholder: 

  • The creation of several charters relating to “ethics”,  “people with disabilities” and “protection of personal data”. 

  • The launch of a “Women Leadership Plan” training cycle aiming to support women in their career path.

  • The creation of a “Workplace first aid and Subcontractors societal compliance Performance” project.

Through its Social Responsibility approach, Amendis contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals in accordance with public policies. Thus, Amendis also works in synergy with various actors to improve the local citizens’ living conditions.