Biomass Energy Solutions

Veolia helps clients to secure the supply of biomass solutions and energy, by reliably sourcing & delivering wood waste.

Biomass represents the world’s leading renewable energy source ahead of hydro, solar and wind power, and Veolia's know-how in biomass-based energy generation is recognised as being the leader in other countries.

The increasing gas prices, soft electricity prices and the low spark spread between electricity and gas prices present a challenge to the manufacturing and other industry sectors to meet the needs of an increasing energy demand, while reducing the impact of human activities on the local market. In such a context, biomass, an exemplary renewable energy, can be the reliable, efficient and sustainable answer.

The potential for self-generation, reduced carbon emissions and protection against future uncertainty regarding biomass fuel supply should give most real considerations to move from electricity and gas generated-steam to on-site biomass-fired power and thermal energy generation.

What is the unique value that Veolia brings to biomass management solutions?

Veolia helps clients secure the supply of biomass, whether it be from feedback or operations, by sourcing and delivering the wood waste at the site on an annual basis and guarantee the biomass security supply during the contract period.  We also offer competitive solutions, which can deliver stable energy costs and can contribute to improved environmental management, specifically around recovering carbon-neutral energy.

In addition, our biomass-to-energy cycles can play an important social role in the generation of local wealth by activating and engaging a pool of local partners e.g. forest-related companies, timber and wood recycling companies, sawmills, etc.  Wood energy can add a complementary activity beyond the timber and industrial wood activities allowing the continuity and sustainable development of related industry sectors, including food and beverage companies.

How much experience does Veolia have in implementing biomass solutions?

Yes, to date, more than 4 million tonnes of biomass have been used in more than 500 Veolia facilities worldwide in order to meet the needs of different industrial sectors, governments and communities.

In Australia and New Zealand, Veolia’s integrated biomass-fired plant solutions provide reliable on-site power and steam generation that include fuel security and long-term operation and maintenance agreements backed by performance guarantees on the biomass, electricity and thermal energy supplies.

Want to learn more about Veolia’s biomass solutions?

In Australia
Please submit an online enquiry to our customer service team or call us at 1800 531 988.

In New Zealand
Please submit an online enquiry to our customer service team or call us at 0800 325 542.