Did you say “PANGEO”?
• Our PANGEO program offers you the possibility of going on a mission abroad to one of our sites, for 12 or 24 months, usually on VIE contracts (International Voluntary Work in Business).
• Engineers, project managers, business analysts, QHSE, financial, communication, human resources managers: the program is open to all activities. Attractive missions in our 3 main areas of activity: water, waste and energy management!
• Veolia’s extra? Throughout your mission, you will benefit from a personalized follow-up. Our dedicated team will closely monitor your integration in the new country (housing, cultural adjustment, taking up post, etc.). It's good to feel well-supported!
See our VIE opportunities at the bottom of the page.
More than 80 young people benefit from our PANGEO program.
The 3 countries that hosted the most VIE in 2020 are the USA, Belgium and the United Arab Emirates.
Try the PANGEO experience!
The program combines autonomy and responsibility and has 5 key advantages:
1. Acquiring new responsibilities: you will be autonomous in your work and will be able to assume responsibility more quickly.
2. The chance to gain international work experience: The opportunity to open up to other cultures and discover yourself: curiosity, boldness, adaptability...
3. Accessing the VIE network and our Resourcers community: potentially valuable professional contacts to be made!
4. Enhancing your profile within Veolia: at the end of your VIE, we will take steps to enable you to join our Group.
5. The opportunity to grow within a large dynamic group: working at Veolia means being able to enrich your skills and your career path throughout your career, discovering new professions... and why not, go to one of the 44 countries in wish we are present!

Being a Resourcer means being part of a community
with a unique view of the world and a different mindset.
Be inspired by our Resourcers’ stories
Our employees tell you about their jobs and their missions in all the countries in which we are present. Come and share their enthusiasm for resourcing the world!