The executive committee is responsible for considering, discussing, consultating and general policy decision-making body which seeks to implement the Group’s strategic direction. Veolia's executive committee meets every month to determine the company’s overall direction and make key decisions.
The Executive Committee is assisted by a series of specialized bodies working on cross-divisional issues of significant scope.
In addition, a management committee representing all Veolia functions and regions meets every two months to discuss the full range of issues and prospects affecting the company.

Estelle Brachlianoff
Chief Executive Officer

Isabelle Calvez
Senior Executive Vice President, Human Resources

Sébastien Daziano
Senior Executive Vice President, Strategy, lnnovation & Development

Gavin Graveson
Senior Executive Vice President, Northern Europe

Philippe Guitard
Senior Executive Vice President, Central & Eastern Europe

Eric Haza
Chief Legal Officer

Anne Le Guennec
Senior Executive Vice President, Worldwide Water Technologies

Helman le Pas de Sécheval
General Counsel

Christophe Maquet
Senior Executive Vice President, Asia Pacific

Emmanuelle Menning
Deputy CEO Finance and Purchasing

Gustavo Migues
Senior Executive Vice President, Iberia & Latin America

Jean-François Nogrette
Senior Executive Vice President, France & Special Waste Europe

Laurent Obadia
Deputy CEO in charge of Stakeholders and Communications, Advisor to the Chairman

Frédéric Van Heems
Senior Executive Vice President, North America
The management committee represents all Veolia functions and regions and meets every two months. Its members include:
- Estelle Brachlianoff, Chief Executive Officer
- Florence Baiget, Group Purchasing Director
- Selma Bekhechi, Director of Investor Relations and Financial Communication
- Sylvain Boucher, Delegate for France
- Philippe Bourdeaux, Director of the Africa - Near & Middle East delegated Zone
- Didier Bove, Director of energy business in France
- Isabelle Calvez, Senior Executive Vice President, Human Resources
- Geoffroy Carlier, Director of Transformation and Operational Coordination
- Jean-Baptiste Carpentier, Chief Compliance Officer
- Manuel Cermeron, CEO Spain
- Sébastien Daziano, Senior Executive Vice President, Strategy, lnnovation & Development
- Séverine Dinghem, Director of Business Support and Performance
- Gavin Graveson, Senior Executive Vice President, Northern Europe
- Philippe Guitard, Senior Executive Vice President, Central & Eastern Europe
- Matthias Harms, CEO Germany
- Eric Haza, Chief Legal Officer
- Marc-Olivier Houel, CEO of France Waste Recycling & Recovery Solutions Zone
- Tim Huang, CEO of Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
- Richard Kirkman, CEO of Australia / New Zealand Zone
- Anne Le Guennec, Senior Executive Vice President of Water Technologies zone
- Helman Le Pas de Sécheval, General Counsel
- Florence Lubina, Director Financial Control
- Christophe Maquet, Senior Executive Vice President, Asia Pacific
- Emmanuelle Menning, Deputy CEO Finance and Purchasing
- Gustavo Migues, Senior Executive Vice President, Iberia & Latin America
- Jean-François Nogrette, Senior Executive Vice President, France & Special Waste Europe
- Laurent Obadia, Senior Executive Vice President, Stakeholders and Communications, Advisor to the Chairman
- Pierre-Yves Pouliquen, Sustainable Development Director
- Isabelle Quainon, Chief Transformation, Engagement and People Officer for the zone Water Technologies
- Pierre Ribaute, CEO of France Water Zone
- Catherine Ricou, General Manager of SARPI
- Karine Rougé, Senior Vice President, Municipal Water USA
- Nicolas de Saint Martin, Chief Audit and Internal Control Officer
- Stuart Stock, Head of digital business & technology
- Jean-Christophe Taret, Senior Vice President, France & Special Waste Europe
- Julie Tedde, Chief of Staff
- Barbara Thierart-Perrin, Innovation & Development Director
- Frédéric Van Heems, Senior Executive Vice President, North America