Annual results 2018: strong growth in terms of revenue and results

Veolia today presents its results for 2018.

Another year marked by strong growth of revenue and results, it fully confirms the Group’s objectives for 2019.

Revenue rose to €25,911 million, up by 6.5% compared with 2017 at constant exchange rates, or 4.7% in like-for-like growth.

The pace of revenue growth was sustained throughout the year: up by 7% in the first quarter, 5.1% in the second, 7.8% in the third and 6.4% in the fourth (at constant exchange rates).

Revenue grew in all geographies:

  • In France, revenue increased by 1.6%;
  • Europe excluding France posted very solid growth of 7.2% at constant exchange rates. Revenue rose by 2.4% in Italy, 3.5% in Germany, 4.1% in the UK and Ireland, 7.8% in Central and Eastern Europe, 11.6% in the Iberian Peninsula and 29.2% in the Nordic countries (at constant exchange rates);
  • Growth remained strong in the rest of the world, with revenue increasing overall by 11.9%. North America grew by 3.9% (12% at constant scope and exchange rates), 5.4% in the Pacific region, 7.8% in Africa-Middle East, 16.9% in Asia (13.3% in China) and 38.2% in Latin America;
  • Global Business posted a progression of 3.7% at constant exchange rates).


> EBITDA reached €3,392 million, compared with €3,217 million in 2017 – a 7.3% rise at constant exchange rates.

> Cost savings of €302 million were made in 2018, in line with the annual target.

> Current EBIT was €1,604 million – 9.7% growth at constant exchange rates compared with 2017 (€1,497 million).

> The current net income group share increased to €675 million (compared to €614 million for 2017 represented), up by 14,7% at constant exchange rates and excluding capital gains

“2018 was a new year of acceleration for Veolia, with revenue and results both demonstrating clear growth. Sales growth increased by 6.5%, even stronger than the previous year, and current net income jumped by 14.7% at constant exchange rates. Our strategy’s success is being confirmed year after year. It is founded on our commercial momentum, combined with a strict discipline of operational efficiency and cost reduction. This performance is being achieved in all of our activities and geographies, a testament to the pertinence and coherence of our choices, of our capacity to capture the best opportunities for profitable growth, as well as our ability to compete in the marketplace. Our perspectives remain favorable. 2019 should be another year of sustained growth. Taking into account the effect of exchange rate variations, our objectives are therefore fully confirmed at the higher end of the initially communicated range.”
Antoine Frérot
Veolia’s Chairman and CEO