Greater Lyon area - France


Help the Greater Lyon area meet the challenge of preserving water and its quality.


The customer's objectives

In 2015, the Greater Lyon area, second largest drinking water service in France due to the 1.3 million people it supplies, wished to entrust the management of drinking water production and supply to a single operator (instead of three) - Eau du Grand Lyon, a Veolia subsidiary - and over a wider area (59 municipalities instead of 33).

Veolia's solution

Propose a water service redesigned around major innovations and a responsible approach based on an integrated control centre able to offer full water traceability and a fully transparent operation.



Installation of 5 500 water leaks location sensors for continuous monitoring of the 2 000 km of the most sensitive networks (Lyon inner city). These sensors, developed under a partnership between Homerider Systems (a Veolia subsidiary) and Guttermann, are state-of-the-art technology that can remotely pre-locate a leak.

• 500 mobile sensors for a leak detection programme are also active on 800 km of network.

• Deployment of 10 000 connected meters per month until 2018.

85 %

Contractual performance objective of the network, achieved in 2016 (against 78 % in 2015)


largest French drinking water network in terms of customers served

33 000 m3

of drinking water saved per day thanks to smart sensors



Partnership with IBM to develop a hypervision platform: Hublo. Millions of bytes of data are captured and transmitted to this integrated control centre. Their analysis makes it possible to instantly trigger works on infrastructure in the field for the direct benefit of users.

Customer benefits


In line with the requirements of Greater Lyon's climate-energy plan and mandate plan, Veolia undertakes to reduce the area’s greenhouse gas emissions by 15 %.

Within Hublo, in a small aquarium, five trout fingerlings live in water identical to that drunk by Lyon's population. Their extreme sensitivity to pollution makes them water quality sentinels, and the aquarium is lined with digital sensors to monitor them and measure their health.



33 000 cubic metres of drinking water saved every day thanks to the installation of 5 500 smart sensors.



The Hublo project has created a dynamic around a join business project and has resulted in the decompartmentalisation of information between the city's services. A detailed roadmap for each of the levers of improvement enables Eau du Grand Lyon to efficiently and sustainably implement its digital transformation.

In support of Greater Lyon's social policies, Veolia is creating an inclusion through employment study programme on its Jonage campus. The contract's strong point in this area is that 10 % of the time worked at Eau du Grand Lyon Greater Lyon is worked by employees following an inclusion programme (target 15 %).

Contract scope

Site: Greater Lyon

Population: 1.31 million served and approximately 353 000 customers

Equipment: Hublo global drinking water monitoring centre

Contract term

8 years - begun in 2015

Business sector



The digital hypervision tool is intended to transparently decompartmentalise the data used by the customer's teams to improve operational performance and optimise existing processes.


Contribution to SDG 6: 0.4 % of drinking water and sanitation revenues collected under the Oudin law can be used to finance actions to promote international solidarity (Water Fund). In all, over a million euros was allocated to water and sanitation projects in 2016, mainly in Africa.


 The Greater Lyon population benefit from the same quality of service: low-cost home water supply via Eau du Grand Lyon.

• The digital tool should allow the 353 000 customers to consult their daily consumption online, to be informed in the event of abnormal consumption by the means of their choice (SMS, email, etc.) and to benefit from billing on volumes actually used. This remote reading service is a major tool for real-time location of leaks and water quality monitoring over the 4 000 km of the drinking water network.

• A national Water Solidarity scheme helps families in difficulty who can no longer afford to pay their water bill. The Greater Lyon area and Eau du Grand Lyon contributed to a fund that handled 1 170 cases in 2016.