Since it is essential to create a consensus on what the impact is and how to measure it in order to accelerate the social and ecological transition of our economy, the first Impact Measurement Summit was held on 13 February at the National Assembly. This was an opportunity for Estelle Brachlianoff, Veolia's Chief Executive Officer, to remind an audience of companies, financiers, researchers, associations and public players that impact is at the heart of the Group's corporate strategy.
Measurement makes the impact
"It is no longer a question of doing 'as we can' but of putting impact at the heart of our ambition, as underlined by our strategic plan, Impact 2023, with this strong desire to offer our customers solutions to limit their impact on the planet," explains Estelle Brachlianoff. As a result, the company has achieved a 14 million tonne carbon reduction for its customers.
How? By recycling plastic rather than using oil or using alternative fuels from waste. And the impact is real and measurable.
Measurement is what makes the impact, to monitor progress and obtain concrete results

“The notion of dynamics is essential”
This is one of the points that Estelle Brachlianoff particularly emphasised: "For me, there are no good guys or bad guys, just those who act for the better. And it is this dynamic, whether social or ecological, that counts. For example, when coal is replaced by fuel from non-recyclable waste in a boiler, the carbon footprint is reduced by 70%. And I think it's a shame that some investors don't follow suit, considering that the remaining 30% would be a black mark on their carbon footprint. "Thus, putting impact at the centre is essential, taking care to give priority to proof by example while valuing initiatives.
While the environment is now the star criterion, the impact of the company on its employees, customers and society in general is of prime importance. Indeed, the ecological challenges must not make us forget the social issues at stake.
With this in mind, Veolia offers a minimum social package, such as maternity leave, health insurance and support for caregivers, to our employees worldwide, including in countries where legislation does not provide for it.
Veolia a partner for the measurement of the "Societal commitment of companies in the territories"
In parallel to this Summit, Veolia is signing a partnership with the Impact Tank and will contribute to the working group "Corporate Social Responsibility in the territories". This working group will bring together researchers and public and private partners to identify business solutions that have a social impact in the territories. Its objective: to create a reference framework for measuring social impact that will be submitted to the public authorities.

> Our multifaceted performance
> Corporate Social Responsibility, at Veolia
> The Impact Tank, the first think-tank dedicated to the positive impact economy, was created in 2020 at the initiative of the SOS Group, the Sciences Po, Sorbonne University, Cnam and Paris Dauphine-PSL brings together research, companies, associations and the public sector to address common issues.