With its 11 million inhabitants, Dhaka is facing a reduction in the supply from its aquifers and increased population growth. To meet the drinking water needs that are expected to double by 2030, the Bangladeshi government is launching the Dhaka Water Supply Project to diversify water sources in order to use mainly surface water.
Veolia and Suez will design, build and operate a new drinking water production facility that will take water from the Meghna River 22 km upstream of the plant. Located in the district of Gandharbpur, the plant will produce 500,000 m3 of water per day to supply 4.3 million people with drinking water.
The design and construction of the facility will take four years and will be followed by a three-year operation and maintenance phase with a transfer of expertise to WASA employees. The plant will be funded by the Asian Development Bank, the AFD (French Development Agency), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Bangladeshi government.
More :
> Veolia’s water management expertise
> Veolia’s corporate social responsibility (CSR)
> Press releases : Veolia and Suez selected to design and operate the drinking water treatment plant in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka