Supplying drinking water to residential buildings

We help building managers supply water to their buildings, backed by a unique set of diagnostic and planning tools. The aim? Guarantee the safety and performance of water networks.
techniciens de veolia

Guaranteeing the quality of the drinking water supply at a building is just one of the many responsibilities that falls on managers of privately owned service and residential buildings. It is critical to residents’ day-to-day health and well-being.

Safety, comfort and performance

We have created a unique diagnostic and planning solution. Its aim? Help building managers make decisions about their drinking water, hot water and cooling water systems.

With Water Network Multi-Performance, we guarantee the performance and energy efficiency of all water networks as well as the availability of installed assets. For occupants, this is a guarantee that their health and day-to-day comfort will be protected.

Water Network Multi-Performance is built around a 3-phase diagnostic protocol.

  • Pre-diagnosis: conducted on site, combining innovative water network audits with a rigorously selected choice of key sampling and analysis locations.
  • On-site measurement: sampling and analysis focused on maximizing traceability of the data collected. This can use mobile analysis kits, or a set of permanently installed sensors connected to a smart data collection and analysis system.
  • Action: backed by a decision-support tool, this phase delivers improvements to users’ hot water supply, and to the energy efficiency and profitability of the installations. It is backed by detailed performance reports covering all aspects of a privately managed network.

And, with Waternamics we offer a hypervision solution tailored to meet the needs of local authorities and private building managers. This is a dedicated module for managing all water cycle data, from collecting information to presenting it operators, operational managers and local authorities.


  • Optimized and safe water systems
  • Protecting water resources and users

And why not make your buildings more intelligent? >

Do you manage residential or serviced buildings? What benefits does this bring you?

illustration de Waternamics

We did it!



Upgrading the water network for Clinique d’Aulnay

Clinique d’Aulnay is a private hospital that contracted us to provide energy efficiency services for its hot and cold domestic water and heating networks. We carried out a full multi-performance audit as well as a series of actions to measure physical and microbiological parameters in the hospital's systems. This approach identified areas where action could be taken to improve control over of energy use.

Mailly le Château


Optimizing the water system at a retirement home

With 80 beds in a 3,550 square meter facility, managers of the Résidence-Club Grégoire Direz, in central France, wanted to protect the health, comfort and well-being of patients, visitors and staff, while also reducing operating costs associated with the water system. We ran a series of audits, providing managers with an informed overview of their water systems and water quality, which allowed them to start scheduling upgrades for their water systems.

To find out more:
other water cycle solutions