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Veolia Environnement share
(Euronext Paris)
American Depositary Receipt Veolia Environnement (ADR)e

Code ISIN: FR 0000124141-VIE

Reuters: VIE.PA

Bloomberg: VIE.FP

Part of the CAC 40 index since August 2001

Number of shares as of 06-30-2024: 726 148 514

Share price as of 06-30-2024: €29.48

Market capitalization as of 31-12-2019: €21,566,610,000

Following the delisting by Veolia Environnement of its American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the final listing of the Company’s ADRs on the NYSE occurred on December 22, 2014.
Since this date, ADRs are traded on the US over-the-counter market under the code VEOEY.

Code CUSIP : 92334N103
Symbol: VEOEY

0805 800 000 (toll-free number within France only)


Veolia Environnement has been part of the CAC 40 index since August 2001.

It is also included in all the major “socially responsible” that take environmental, ethical and social criteria into account stock market indexes : FTSE4Good, ASPI Eurozone index, an international extra-financial index that evaluates companies on their social and environmental performance, as well as ETHIBEL sustainability index.

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