Convergences World Forum 2018: Veolia presents its solutions for the "Cities of tomorrow"

On 3 and 4 September, in Paris, the 11th Convergences World Forum brought together 5,000 economic, political, associative and academic leaders from some 50 countries around the theme of "Make Society, Make Tomorrow".

Five themes were discussed during these two days, nourishing a vision of a "Zero exclusion, Zero carbon, Zero poverty" world: "Good health and well-being", "Quality education", "Decent work and growth", “Sustainable cities and territories" and "Partnerships for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals".

The challenges of the city of tomorrow: “solutions already exist”


Laurent AugusteSenior Executive Vice President Development, Innovation and Markets at Veolia, spoke at the round table on "Cities of tomorrow - inclusive, sustainable and resilient cities""The solutions are already there to meet the challenges of the cities of tomorrow: they fit into a circular economy approach, which encompasses the three environmental, economic and social aspects. All players in the value chain must be mobilized to deploy these solutions on a large scale. This is what is now happening on the issue of plastics when strong public opinion puts pressure on brands and manufacturers".


Reconciling business and society


Pierre Victoria, Veolia's director of sustainable development, spoke on the theme "feedbacks on surveillance plans 2018 - Focus on human rights ". He recalled on this occasion that "the duty of vigilance must go beyond risk management. It is an opportunity to reconcile business and society.”


Veolia’s corporate social responsibility (CSR)
>Resourcing the world: developing access to resources, preserving and renewing resources
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Convergences World Forum 2018