Hubgrade for Water Plant Operations

Achieve Plant operational efficiency with the following Hubgrade tools:

Hubgrade Performance (Plant module)

Benchmark the performance of your Plant

Hubgrade Performnace (Plant module)

Hubgrade Performance (Plant module) aggregates real-time data and applies algorithms to continuously benchmark and optimise the performance of your plant.  Hubgrade Performance has been developed and tested over many years, across hundreds of tools & KPI’s, to help you minimise energy and chemical consumption and understand the best combination of tools to achieve efficient operations. Hubgrade Performance is currently installed at over 100 wastewater treatment plants and installations around the globe.

Hubgrade Water Demand Prediction

Use AI to predict and plan for drinking water demand.

Hubgrade Water Demand Prediction

This Hubgrade module uses artificial intelligence to predict the water demand at the water treatment plant (+/- 72 hours). Prediction dashboards can be used to optimise the use of water resources. Benefits include optimising the energy consumption of the plant, increasing staff satisfaction by lowering the level of stress on operators, generating cost reductions and improving environmental performance by reducing CO2 emissions